Friday, January 28, 2011

Does he really think that's a good place to rest?

Bond kitty on my computer.... 
I wandered away from my knitting corner and my husband says "Hey Julie, come look at this?"  I was busy in the kitchen, so he brings me his cell phone with a picture of the cat on my computer!  Had he removed the cat?  No.  He went back into the room to do that, but instead came back to me with another picture!  Is the cat still there?  Uh, yeah, he just looked too cute.

I finished up what I was doing and headed back to my knitting, and yes, the cat was still there...  so, of course, I had to go and get the camera....

1 comment:

  1. Baby Bond surfing the web and waiting for his great knitter of Kitty basket beds to return? To cute!
